0 italy upwards put me with 6. #3. ulzgoroth Nov 2, 2021 @ 9:43pm. this. For just $40 ($20 during sales), you can get half a year of premium, meaning t. Wake Island, Midway, Preparations for landing. Based on these differences the matchmaker works according to. Originally posted by RustyNail: It's you. Whit aircraft that Click Here of three kingdoms is. No company implements something that will cut revenue. 0. AussieDogfighter. 0 BR of your top vehicle. Gaijin: *Removes Historical Matchmaking* Related Topics . Agree 100% we need to bring back historical maps and matchmaking for props (atleast anything ww2 era). The removal of historical matchmaking in RB feels off. Air arcade usually 45 seconds to 2 minutes. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO…War Thunder is a game about military vehicles, ranging from well-known to obscure experimental vehicles and unfinished prototypes. 20 seconds to a minute and a half. It personally ruined war thunder for me I hate playing the game now. My longest queue was 30 mins and I gave up. Gaijin said they would never do this. Usually 45 seconds and im in. yes matchmaking is pure ♥♥♥♥♥ , jets from the 70's against ww2 planes at 6. Under the old system the stuka's were ranked from 2-8, now a g1 and g2 ju87 are ranked at old ranked 12 and facing planes that were there as well. You survive the hell that is 6. Specific Rules for Matchmaking, Economy & Progression Suggestions:. Simultaneously, you can only see tanks within 1 Tier of you, but that's less important than the BR rule above. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games. What do you think when you hear this. Allies were masochism due to too much of their team being taken up by planes unable to contribute to the most common "destroy all planes" win condition. Only towards the end of the "Semi-Historical Matchmaker" when the Ju-288C got added did the issue of bomber spam begin to even itself out. Full historical match making and every week they do a new campaign, for an entire summer (or winter, I forgot). What matchups and ♥♥♥♥Report post. Given the fact that all different skill levels are present in all matches, repair costs and battle ratings are somewhat skewed. A surprising number of players thing that Tigers should be. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games. The dumbest duel in war thunder history with an even dumber ending. 0 Raiden,. A surprising number of player. Yes it is obvious that realism has to take a knock for the sake of matchmaking, if you had to wait for Stalingrad full soviet team vs Germany it would take ages to get in a match every time. Battle Rating and Repair cost values would become more fine tuned. yup, i've gotten so many aced axis planes in 4. . Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games. Matchmaker in main game modes. Most of the much later tanks that match much earlier are light recon vehicles, AFAIK. What is going on with the matchmaking? It just seems to be making unbalanced teams, I tried playing an 8. War Thunder doesn't and can't recreate every aspect of the actual war and even if they did/could, you'd find it wouldn't be balanced and wouldn't appeal to the vast majority of people. What matchups and ♥♥♥♥I know they removed it sometime back but damn, I really miss playing Germany or other nations for an actual damn reason. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsWhat do you think when you hear this. As far as I’m concerned, playing 5. 7. 94 -> 2. The maximum theoretical BR is set by the matchmaking, not by finding the top vehicles' BR. Nation pairings just aren't limited to Axis vs Allies. Im also bothered by the sudden BR rank-up of many planes. , and a few more pop up pretty often if you play naval fighters or bombers. I know they removed it sometime back but damn, I really miss playing Germany or other nations for an actual damn reason. What matchups and ♥♥♥♥What do you think when you hear this. And no tanks were built for fighting War Thunder battles, so it's to be expected that their performance at that may align poorly with historical progress. Introduction war thunder, gaijin is a ww2 beta online mmo. what would you think of it if it was applied to air battles? i currently. If war thunder were to do historical matchmaking, it would probably be the second option - tanks would be fighting tanks from around the same time period, but there would still be obvious balances based around the vehicles stats; like Pz IIs would still be at a lower BR than the Sherman and so on. Both trial tanked. its very very broken. Войти Магазин Главная Рекомендации Список желаемого Предметы за очки Новости СтатистикаI know they removed it sometime back but damn, I really miss playing Germany or other nations for an actual damn reason. Now include a very simple skill based matchmaking with 3 skill levels, bad, average, good. Historical matchmaking (wherein tanks only fight other vehicles that they faced in reality) is often suggested for War Thunder. They say it would be unfair. 96. I know they removed it sometime back but damn, I really miss playing Germany or other nations for an actual damn reason. เข้าสู่ระบบ ร้านค้า หน้าหลัก คิวค้นพบ สิ่งที่อยากได้ ร้านค้าแต้ม ข่าวสาร สถิติi can say uptiers are totaly random, but i also can say one nation gets more uptiers than the other one day i mainly played or wanted to play russian 8. What matchups and ♥♥♥♥Gaijin claims alot about its matchmaker. ago. So maybe once the pacific maps get added again, the MM returns to something more historical. Why can't they bring this back? Idc about the queue times I'm happy to wait for a historical RB. To put that in perspective, it's like T62/4s vs tiger lls Thays just ridiculous. Answer: Because the game developers want to earn money. You've completely, and I might add: grossly, misunderstood how matchmaking works. Probably a very unpopular opinion, but idc. Keitiek •. are seriously complicated by a margin of the top vehicles in War Thunder, because while the creation of game sessions for BR 8. That might result in an increase of mixed battles (all vs all) But really shouldn’t increase time by a lot. War Thunder's programming defines matchmaking through an maximum theoretical BR, and will deliberately search for players that meets the BR -1. What matchups and ♥♥♥♥Gaijin said they would never do this. What matchmaking do you think it entails. War thunder historical matchmaking. Why can't they bring this back? Idc about the queue times I'm happy to wait for a historical RB. 0 and 7. Of course, only if you play for free. And of course almost everyone would like to be that tiger = even longer queue times. So a Tier III tank of battle rating 6. The current state of the game. Idk about picking people off but it feels like the getting stomped on a bad team varies by weekend honestly. Such a method is. Naval arcade battles. What matchups and ♥♥♥♥War Thunder. Historical MM is really hard to balance, there is almost always one side that will be on losing position and usually, no one wants to play that side. Because at the moment when I play with my friend at tier br 8--> we spend more time in the matchmaking queue than in the actual matches. 3). . 3 BR, Gaijin, please fix your game. 0 matchmaking will be made only. 0 BR or above with one or two 3. Oh, it feels good since been playing war thunder wiki fandom powered by cpt_flashheart. Datamine 2. 7br since thats where allies suferred the most. The current state of the game with the mixed battles has completely taken any enjoyment out of. . When submitting a new vehicle suggestion, a. They differ from each other by rules on how the vehicles will be used during one battle - whether it’s one single vehicle or even the whole setup of vehicles. 0 chinese lineup, and for multiple games we had 2 or 3 8. I know they removed it sometime back but damn, I really miss playing Germany or other nations for an actual damn reason. Imagine that you can give away 1 Tiger tank per 5-6 T-34 in battle. 0 Me-262A will eat a 4. Average is 10min for me, never had to wait more than 15min. Historical matchmaking in warthunder would be great. Gaijin, you need to fix your matchmaking battle rating and sort the historic accuracy out. . #6. 3 or less tanks I face 4. You can get matched with players within 1. Matchmaking isn't even truly mixed. JU87 just isnt a strong plane for air to air, making it face late-war aircraft as an early war dive bomber is mean. 91 votes, 127 comments. War Thunder is no longer a WWII game. Idc about the queue times I'm happy to wait for a historical RB. 3 main difficulty game modes are represented in War Thunder: Arcade, Realistic and Simulator. Вход Магазин Начало Опашка за откриване Списък с желания Точков магазин Новини СтатистикиGet rid of mixed battles in low-mid tier, return to historical matchmaking Why did gaijin have to ruin the game by making everything mixed battles. What matchmaking do you think it entails. They differ from each other by rules on how the vehicles will be used during one. Meanwhile you get 500 points and you lose 18k in repairs. arguments as that’s how it was in history. 0 requirement. Gajob removed axis vs allies a long time ago. It would entirely nullify the “Russian bias” “German bias” etc. 0, 11. War Thunder "La Royale" - Changelog. Matchmaking isn't even truly mixed. KAELES-Yt • 2 yr. What you need to look for is the Battle Rating if your top vehicle. Posted February 8, 2021. Frijolito444 Mar 8, 2021 @ 12:21pm. Idc about the queue times I'm happy to wait for a historical RB. Is it like an unlock able in game thing? It usually has a minimum BR and. I do not claim this lightly. Matchmaking is not skill based its random. 377K subscribers in the Warthunder community. xFish_Hunterx Jan 31, 2021 @ 8:53pm. AB. Matchmaker in main game modes. What matchmaking do you think it entails. Matchmaking changes (Historical battles) I'm honest, I REALLY dislike mixed battles, I'm a immersion gamer, I live and breathe immersion whenever I can, so the introduction of mixed battles is something that really took a lot away from this game for. I would much prefer historical matchmaking rather than the shit we have at the moment. Usage of Historical Documentation and Sources For Vehicle Suggestions. 3s while the entire enemy team consisted of leo 1a1s and leo1 l44s, tried playing the su7bkl its the same thing 2 or 10. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games. What do you think when you hear this. That's 99 subdivisions. 0 German teams a lot, is this a remnant of historical matchmaking? because if yes then Italy should’ve been teamed with the allied more, they shatter their own ass in 43, they stopped fighting for German and fight each other instead, if anything just bring 5. In the last few weeks I often had matches at 5. Why can't they bring this back? Idc about the queue times I'm happy to wait for a historical RB. 7, if the matchmaker allows it. Historical matchmaking (wherein tanks only fight other vehicles that they faced in reality) is often suggested for War Thunder. (Though. what would you think of it if it was applied to air battles? i currently have no position either way,but it's an interesting idea nontheless,so i want to hear your opinion about it. War Thunder MMO Action game Gaming . yup, i've gotten so many aced axis planes in 4. A lot of ppl act like Germany is the only nation who would have jets in 44-45, even though every nation had them (Meteor, Shooting Star, Kikka, Ohka, Vampire, Beriez-Isa BI). r/Warthunder • War Thunder NEEDS better tutorials on higher tier mechanics/gameplay. 0. Historical matchmaking for Germany would result in them having a massive numerical advantage and the Soviets having very small numbers of T-34s and KV-1s. One of the things that attracted me to Warthunder was its historical/semi-historical matchmaking. 3 (t-62, t-55, it-1/shturm) but every battle were full uptiers, after some time i had enough and insta quit full uptiers and went for my german 10. Having noobs in really good tanks vs high level vets in crap tanks, will only ever result in one outcome. 0 BR with “small teams fighting. [Development] Matchmaking Improvements: Quantitative Restrictions. Every single game. War Thunder MMO Action game Gaming. Get 3% Off on the War Thunder Store + DECAL :3% Off on the Enlisted Store :my work on Patreon :have T-72B3s in 1940s Stalingrad, Berlin, Normandy, etc with destroyed WWII tanks on the battlefield or T-72s being used in Vietnam against Abrams, Leopards, Arietes and other tanks during the Vietnam War. historical: grouped by calendar years (probably the least balanced since a 7. Ground vehicles will be matched in battle using the lists and aircraft using the BR range. Why can't they bring this back? Idc about the queue times I'm happy to wait for a historical RB. None of this equal numbers of Sherman's to Maus/KTs or Mustangs to Komets. Everybody knows the “lovely” BR matchmaking system, and some people hate it. As much as historical matchmaking sounds idyllic it isn't what it's cut out to be, B-17s facing I-153s per default matchmaking doesn't sound like much fun to me. Yes it is ridiculous because every other game zero vs 109, two aircraft which never faced each other, takes away massively from enjoyment, particularly if. Never even was Mig-15 Bis and F-86A-5 Sabre were in the game from the start of the open beta #13. Oh I gave up on expecting anything or any level of competence from Gaijin Entertainment way. free-for-all: planes randomly assigned to teams based on type (to make. 0 to 7. Rb and ab is like 1min tops. Pff if you want historical match making, then you will need historical team comps. What do you think when you hear this. nation-based: how Air RB currently works. Probably a very unpopular opinion, but idc. Therefore, War Thunder exists matches of BR 11. Nation pairings just aren't limited to Axis vs Allies. Roughly speaking, as a vehicle's capabilities and performance increase, so does its battle rating. What do you think when you hear this. What matchups and ♥♥♥♥373K subscribers in the Warthunder community. Ques starts getting long if you are 4 with all different nations though. 7 that were 6v6, but one team had 4. Agree 100% we need to bring back historical maps and matchmaking for props (atleast anything ww2 era). Battle rating is a number assigned to every aircraft, ground unit, and naval vessel in the game that correlates with their effectiveness in combat. War thunder had it, and every nation was going up against the germans every time, which gets boring. when the idea of historical matchmaking is brought up,i always see everyone arguing arround ground rb. What do you think when you hear this. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin. 23. Why can't they bring this back? Idc about the queue times I'm happy to wait for a historical RB. But you have to realize it wont happen since it will be an unfair and unfun gamemode that noone plays after a day. Although i agree with most of your views - except allocating Italy to the allies as stated above - this whole mess around the 5.